
The 4Cs of Candidate Assessment

by Louise on May 12, 2011  

Last week, we published an insightful blog on The 4Cs of Opportunity Assessment. In this blog, we talked about the 4Cs, which consisted of questions you should ask yourself in the following areas – Company, Culture, Cash and Comfort. Today, we are diving into the other side of the recruitment coin and are ready to discuss The 4Cs of Candidate Assessment.

The 4Cs are – Culture, Class, Cash and Commitment.

As recruiters, hiring managers, or talent acquisition professionals, our minds generally accumulate piles and piles of assessment methodologies, benchmarks, scorecards, structured interview techniques and more. With so much ‘science’ behind our candidate selections, we sometimes lose sight of the little questions that cut to the heart of an applicant’s candidacy.

The 4Cs of Candidate Assessment

As we know, shortlisting a small portion of candidates out of an array can be challenging. While the science of selection is undoubtedly critical – because no one wants to choose an unfit candidate for the job – we must consider 4 important aspects about a candidate that can determine whether they are a good fit.

Culture: Is this person well aligned with the values of our organization? Are they coming from a company that preaches similar values? Is their personality a good fit with the people in our company?

Class: Is this candidate’s business ethics, reputation and general moral judgment up to our standards? Does the candidate understand where we stand on business ethics – do they appreciate the weight we put on these matters?

Cash: Does the candidate have reasonable compensation expectations, and can we make a reasonable and fair remuneration offer? If this candidate is joining for money, will they leave for money?

Commitment: Is there a clear consensus on the mutual commitment necessary to make a successful hire? Does the candidate sincerely believe we are committed to their wellbeing and success? Is the candidate sincerely committed to the organization, and will they be a team leader?


CML’s Process Optimization team acts as your educated advisors. Our main goal is to improve our clients’ recruitment practices. In this capacity, we ensure great candidates obtain exceptional opportunities while limiting the significant challenges.

Need more expert career advice? CML would like to help you! Contact Louise Reed to ask your questions today. 


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