
Offshore Captive Insurance Jobs

what to expect

Currently, Cayman is the second-largest licensing jurisdiction and Bermuda is the first in terms of the number of captives licensed; these numbers have remained steady over the years, keeping us at the forefront of the market. While it may not be the most glamorous of fields compared to other offshore financial services sectors, captive insurance offers a lot of stability and the opportunity to make a difference in clients' lives. You'll have the chance to travel to board meetings and provide direct support to customers, which is a unique experience in the audit and funds field. Your daily tasks will involve preparing and planning financial statements for a diverse portfolio of captive insurance accounts.

Offshore jurisdictions are all high-growth business environments, not just for captive insurance but for the whole universe of financial services including large insurers. Because of the vast increase in insurers, all the ancillary services one needs are already present here in quantity and quality, meaning many experienced professional service providers live on the islands, which is one of the largest draws of licensing offshore as it can operate as a “one-stop-shop”.

Earning Potential

Higher, tax-free, or low-tax salaries in offshore jurisdictions make it an attractive prospect for those looking to improve their earning potential.

Career Potential

Enhance your career with international financial services experience at a globally recognised firm, with the potential to achieve more rapid promotion than is typical onshore.

Work-Life Balance

Life offshore is often more balanced, with shorter commutes and more balanced work hours than onshore. This topped with an island lifestyle makes for paradise found.

What Experience is Needed?

To work in this practice area, the ideal candidate should have an accounting qualification such as CPA, ACCA, or ACA, and has either audited captives or has prior captive management experience.

Captive insurance is a promising career path for those who aspire to grow in the insurance industry. Senior Account Manager, Account Executive, and Vice President are the three major stages of progression that you could expect in this field.

What Does Career Progression Look Like?

our experience

Why CML?

We have a specialist team dedicated to offshore financial services recruitment headed by a qualified accountant and former Audit Manager of many Cayman-domiciled captive insurance companies, including healthcare, workers comp, farmers cooperatives, re-estate/storage, and various group captives. 

This intimate understanding, means we are uniquely situated to advise on the client base, market position, opportunities, and culture with various captive managers in the Cayman Islands as well as in Bermuda and the BVI.

Cayman | BVI | Bermuda | channel islands

Our Jurisdictions

With our extensive network and expertise, we help clients and candidates alike find the perfect match in some of the most sought-after locations in the world.

Not only do our team have long-standing relationships with top employers in all major offshore jurisdictions, but our team are also headquartered in The Cayman Islands, giving us a unique understanding of what to expect when living and working offshore.


What should you look for in a recruiter?

Someone  that gets you. that's been there. you can trust.
Work with the best.

What should you look for in a recruiter? Someone that gets you, someone that’s been there, someone you can trust. Don’t entrust your next career hire or move to just anyone; work with the best, work with CML.


You're in Good Hands

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