
Go Green!

by Tiffany on December 2, 2011  

Here at CML we try to be as conscious of the environment around us as possible. In Cayman this can be difficult as there are no real recycling methods in place, which when I think of all of the things I love about Cayman this is probably the only downside I can come up with!

Here are my top tips for being green in the office; if anyone can think of any other great ideas please let me know…

– Turn all computer equipment, machinery or other mechanical appliances off when not in use.

– Reduce and re-use waste. For example, print or photocopy on both sides of paper, recycle envelopes and labels and turn scrap paper into notepads.

– Switch off any unnecessary lighting during the day, in sunny Cayman if you are sat near windows it’s unlikely you really need all the lights on! Position desks and workstations to make best use of natural light.

– Ask the last person to leave the office to ensure that they turn everything off including printers, drinks machines, fans, computers and lights.

– Make sure your AC is on an ‘environmentally friendly’ setting… it doesn’t need to be like an igloo all hours of the day… this will also save your boss $$$!!

– Ask colleagues if they would be interested in organising a green travel plan. This could include car sharing or even walking to keep fit at the same time.

– Use reusable crockery and glasses as opposed to plastic cups and disposable plates/cutlery. If your boss is not happy spending money on this then bring a mug in from home!

– Use email or notice boards to share information instead of printed memos. Don’t print anything unless you have to!


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